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Ape Atoll Dungeon with OSRS

Tip: In case the monkey's aunt OSRS Gold gets you and you want to escape, you can hide from guards by climbing up the ladder in the nearby home. After you have climbed up, don't speak with the Monkey's Uncle or else he alert to the guards as well.
You can introduce yourself to the monkey child by saying"You are the uncle of his. The monkey child will request that you give him 20 bananas. However you don't actually require the entire amount therefore, search for nearby trees and pick at minimum five. Watch for the monkey aunt to go away, then return to the child monkey. Ask him for his Monkey talisman and attempt using the drop trick to obtain more that one. It's as easy as simply dropping the talisman, asking the monkey in a second time and telling him you've lost the one he handed you. If you encounter any issues be aware that talismans are available at a cost of 1.000 coins. Tobabs Magical Market is the place to find them. This is not an option if you're trying to obtain that first powerful talisman. After you've completed the quest then exit Ape Atoll.
Be aware that at least four talismans must be used for The Recipe for Disaster quest. Talismans cost 1.000 coins each and can be purchased at Tutab's Magical Market. The Tutab's Magical Market can only be accessible if you're in the form of a monkey.
Beware: If you try to teleport to the Ape Atoll while equipped with the greegree device, it will be deleted and you'll have to design a new one.
The trapdoor is directly next to the ladder.
Recipe for Disaster: Three more (and four total) greegrees will be required in this case. One talisman will be needed for each of them plus those of the individual monkeys. Find all of these prior to going to Zooknock to save yourself two trips. To get all of those bones in the game, have to kill an Monkey Zombie and Monkey Archer, Monkey Archer or Monkey Guard, Monkey Guard and the Monkey (monster). A Monkey Guard's healing abilities are only in melee range making it simpler to kill it using making sure you are spotting. Upstairs , you'll find the easiest to take down. Take the entrance in the front and climb up the ladder in the south. Keep Protect from Melee activated up until you are on the ladder. Guards are easily spotted in the corridor that is awaiting you. Return to Zooknock when you've collected everything needed. If Zooknock isn't willing to take the next bones you give him then try dropping the trick using your greasegrees.
Part 4
Items needed: Monkey bones as well as one talisman to play Monkey Madness I (However, ensure they are the bones of the Karamjan monkey; otherwise it will be necessary to go RS Gold back. The best options are energy potions, food A plank, 1-2 potions to prevent poisoning and Ardougne teleport.
on July 26 at 10:44 PM

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