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Meeeeh I believe that aion isn't a great game for beginners.

The monetization method isn't ideal, however it doesn't affect the aion classic kinah game much in the upper end. Whales will continue to buy goldsellers regardless of whether or they are actually operational. Particularly since it's cheaper to purchase from them. Kinah is a great help with manastone and enchants on endgame gear but you are in no rush to go all out on these. The game is well worth playing for those who enjoy grinding and like mmorpgs that are tab-based and are interested in the idea of a game that is focused on the concept of pvp.

It's the ideal opportunity to begin as the current patch has very little content. The next patch will include a pvp instance and an armor quest set for the endgame.

When I'm getting 20,000 EXP for each mob I kill as I kill 20 in an adventure that earns me 1.6 million for turning it into only 400K of 2M EXP gained from doing the quest comes from killing mobs, and I'm only losing half of it because I do not have Siel's Aura. 200K/2M (10 10 percent) isn't too significant. If I complete 100 quests, I'm losing only 20M of experience and that's barely one-quarter of the amount required to go from 49 to 50.

The game can be played to the end of the 30s and early 40s. In the meantime there's make a difference between blue and white gear. You won't notice the difference between 10 and 10 in a stat on an item because everyone is gearing up and leveling at the moment.

The other thing is that as of now, all the dungeons currently available can realistically be completed in under an hour. This means that if you're (gold) loot drops , you could actually find it but dungeons with longer durations that come in the future will make you pay for the subscription, if you're looking for "the highest quality" gear.

Meeeeh I believe that aion isn't a great game for beginners. It's too grinding and those who are already familiar with the game understand each system and mechanic. This is why they are very proficient in their game. Also, since this is an 80% pvp game there's no fun losing your life completely.

My mistake, I said "i do not know anything about Aion Classic". I was talking about its commercialization. Ive played AIon before in 2009, and also a couple of years ago on euro aion classic buy kinah a p server. My question was more do people who pay 15 EUR a month get severly disadvantaged in comparison to someone who spends a lot more? In essence, how much is it?
on September 03 at 11:43 PM

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