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The drawback is that it complicates the actions for less seasoned players and increases the learning curve

One of the most essential aspects of NBA 2K22 MT a sports simulation game is precisely the gameplay. In the case of games like NBA2K21 this includes on the 1 hand the"activity", that is, the gameplay in the games and on the other hand the part of history and supervisor, where the interaction is less instantaneous but also very important. The main novelty of player control when they are practicing as virtual athletes is that the adoption of a new shooting system. Prior to strike the basket, the important thing was supposed to restrain the time, now it is imperative to aim with the rod to achieve a correct shot. This makes hitting harder, but above all adds an element of realism and makes it necessary for more experienced players to exercise again, which is a great thing that it doesn't seem like"the exact same thing "
The drawback is that it complicates the actions for less seasoned players and increases the learning curve.
It's true that with respect to the gameplay you will find frustrating moments that still haven't been ironed out, such as a 2.16 player near the basket sometimes opting in his own risk to leap back to Buy MT 2K22 make an acrobatic shot that we've not taken. Requested instead of popping up the hoop like it's supposed to, but these are scenarios that we do not encounter often. 
on June 10 at 09:50 PM

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