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We’ve come to expect from RPGs in general

As we’ve come to expect from RPGs in general, there are certain Dark And Darker Gold ways to level up and buff your player before entering battle. For the most part, in Dark and Darker, these are perks and skills, with some of the Dark and Darker classes able to use magic as well. Perks are passive and offer a buff when a certain condition is met. For example, one of the barbarian’s perks is a 10% physical damage bonus when not wearing any chest armor.

Skills, meanwhile, are equipped to your Q and E buttons and must be triggered when you need them, each with its own cooldown period. Some of these can support your allies for a time by, for example, temporarily increasing everyone on your party’s HP, and all must be used at the right time. For example, if you’re a ranger caught in a battle with a particularly mobile opponent, you could trigger the Multishot skill, which allows you to fire five arrows at once.

While you’re limited in choice of both perks and skills to start with buying Dark And Darker Gold, you can add to them through training, which is separate for each of your characters. While the training feature was blocked during the last playtest, we can see that new perks, skills, and items are all hidden behind the Class Master’s training system, and can be unlocked by working your way through its tiers.
on January 29 at 03:20 AM

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