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You can certainly earn more money by using

Iron arrows get dropped frequently , which means it's essentially free training. About 40 or so, train with Hill Giants until 50. After 50, return for the creepers inside that south-east corner of RS gold the room. They're located in the square at the closest door to the wall. This can be done for both doors. (You will easily be able to get 75 Str/Range in flesh crawlers.)
If you want food visit world 1 where people power fishing by offering free salmon and trout. Magic: Learn to use the mage dumbies until they stop you from doing it. You will by then obtained the level of magic needed to perform some curses. You can cast these curse spells on the Zamorak monks in the Varrock Castle, which is located on the left side of the staircase.
When you reach the threshold ( I think it's 25, I believe it is) you can cast the Curse spell on your Zamorak monk. Once you've reached that level you can also superheat (really quick xp and break even if you build bar of steel) as well as high alch. Keep praying, and set your goal at 40 (45 if you get the 3h gravite).
Glacors drop three sets of expensive boots. I'm thinking they're 8M, 15M , and 22M. They are dropped in the average (from my sources - please confirm my assertions if I'm off) at least once every 500-1000 kills. Glacors are not the quickest thing to kill (albeit they're not the fastest most of the time).
Let's say that Glacors are dropping around. 15 million each time they kill 500. I say 500 because there are many other drops (notably shreds) that can be accounted for, and this is a way in calculating such drops.
Items dropped by Barrows are, at an average of 1:15 iirc. The sizes of these items vary from 50K to 1.7M in the present. Plenty of items are around 1M and under the 1M mark, but only a handful are over 1M. Let's say 1M for every 15 minutes - this is a good estimate for runes and other items, also. Barrows is extremely affordable and you'll have a lot of blood/death runes left over if you are using Polypore (which you must).
You can certainly earn more money by using Glacors. But there are some disadvantages. Glacors have a much higher risk of dying. Actually, it's not all that difficult to fire cape buy osrs stay alive, but Barrows can be viewed as a joke in this department. tongue.png In the second, if you are unlucky, you aren't making any money.
on February 25 at 10:45 PM

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