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Yes, you can put it in a grave to host your own

Standard 3:1 ratio is perfect. Fill inv+tort up until you have 2 inv spaces available. Fill in the spaces with throwaway food like shark because they'll be replaced with crystals. I will also be filling a Tort with cheap runescape gold brews before entering. Additional tips. Use resizable to see more of the screen. Dreadnips are ideal against opponents with high defense and HP, such as the big jads and mages. Mage jads will not bother you if they don't avoid them.
Wave 35 jad cannot be stopped, which means even if you suck at prayer switching , you'll be required to complete it at least one jad. Smokey's method of standing to the west , then walking toward the jad required. You should stand on NE side of rock and utilize invulnerability crystals instantly.
Attack jad once so you can put a dreadnip on it, then make the meleer a dead man. In the end, jad will be the only thing that can take out your attacker. Haraken's head is only able to spawn on the W,E,and S sides.
I'm pleased to have accomplished my Slayer challenge. It's not necessary to learn any more tips. So, I accepted Sumona's challenge and killed the famous Kalphite Queen. Clicking my sig image will show my stats to help you remember.
Full void gear + Mage Helm, amulet of Fury and a ring of slaying classic cape. Forumers, I'd like some suggestions and feedback on how I can be able to complete this mission without failing miserably.
Everyone, get ready to vote down because I have another concern... I have one of the gold chests found in Carnillean Rising, as I'm sure many of you are as well. It's been in my bank account since I've completed the quest. I don't know exactly what it does or how to do with it.
Yes, you can put it in a grave to host your own private treasure hunt. But that's all. I'd love to put some small prizes inside and then bury it. How else could anyone use it if I'm forced to runescape membership codes put a pin on it or give keys to others. That kind'a defeats the purpose but isn't that right? If I bury it one particular world, does it really exist on all the worlds or only on the one I buried it on?
on February 21 at 09:54 PM

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