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I completely dislike transmogs

This is why I completely dislike transmogs. They lose their charm when everyone else is wearing the same style. It's great fun to run through Tauren Druids dressed in WOW Classic TBC Gold full mooncloth. You know it's hilarious, but it's also a great idea.
Standardizing stat allocations (partly because of improved class design and understanding of what characters are looking for) has destroyed the capability of the design of stats to create memorable items. All the most memorable items that are discussed today are items that are not planned for budget: on-use capabilities, high budget exceptions (War Glaives), honorable mention to the speed of weapons which permit them to create items that are objectively more useful than others, but without having to budget for them.
Half of the vanilla class did not have tier gear because it was uninspiring or wasn't compatible with their specs (feral druid, dps warrior etc.). However, everything in vanilla is decent, or buy WOW TBC Classic Gold maybe even bis. Overall I think there's less waiting around to be decently prepared.
on November 29 at 12:35 AM

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