Here’s how you can practice and refine the Jurdle when running at different speeds:
1. Full-Speed Jurdle
When you’re sprinting at top speed, your player is more vulnerable toCFB...
Semi-Strict (Best for Second or Third Playthroughs):
If you're going through the campaign again with a new character or have a good understanding of the game, Semi-Strict strikes a balance. It...
3. Keep an Eye on Your Resources
Your ship’s resources—such as health, supplies, andSkull and Bones Itemsspecial items—can run low during long engagements. As you face...
Maximize Affix Potential with Item Power in Diablo 4
In Diablo 4, Item Power is a crucial metric for determining the strength and potential of your gear, especially as you progress through the...
Careful Movement:
Move slowly and cautiously along the rafters. One wrong step can send you tumbling down to the floor below, potentially triggering a fight with nearby shadows or resetting...
Weight of History: Empowers nearby monsters when Remnants are detonated, increasing their difficulty but also their loot potential.
Unearthed Anomalies: Remnants drop more loot but make...
Affix Strategy Adjustments Based on Content
As you progress through the game and your content shifts from solo farming to group activities, your affix strategy may need to evolve. Here's how to...
Tips for Success
Preparation: Equip items or talismans that boost stamina and physical resistance, as most enemies deal significant melee damage.
Attack Strategy: Focus on jump attacks or...
4. Retreat and Regroup
If the battle is going south and you realize you can’t win, sometimes the best option is toSkull and Bones Itemsdisengage and live to fight another day. Don’t...
PERMA Demon Mom - Hexblast Infernalist Build Guide
This Infernalist Hexblast build in Path of Exile 2 revolves around staying in Demon Form at all times, utilizing the Demonflame mechanic...
6. Adjust Tempo Based on Game Situation
Sometimes, you may need to slow the game down. If you're ahead and want toCFB 25 Coinsto control the clock, switching to a more methodical approach can...
2. When the Enemy Has the Upper Hand
There are times when, despite your best efforts, the enemy gains the advantage. Recognizing this moment is critical in knowing when to back off: