FromSoftware the president of FromSoftware Hidetaka Miyazaki's passion for the late Kentaro Miura's manga series and animated show Berserk is perhaps the most secluded secret in Elden Ring Runesg...
"I use a dexterity/intelligence build. My main weapon is the Moonveil Katana," Seki explained. Seki. Seki also makes use of a spell called Rock Sling to Elden Ring Runeshelp get rid of mobs in sp...
"The Elden Ringwall was set as a destructible object however, having 9999 HP with no animation fade out, suggests it was most likely designed to be destroyed by the event's script" Zullie explain...
Elden Ring has been hacked. It's probably not a surprise considering that Souls games are often plagued by problems withElden Ring Runesexploits that break games. However, this isn't a typical ha...
If Bruno Dias, a writer and director at FailBetter Games, tweeted a picture with arrows that pointed at the exact location where the beginning of the game and the combat tutorial is in, some deba...