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Mmoexp CFB 25 Coins: Scheduling Visits and Securing Commitments

Scheduling Visits and Securing Commitments
One of the final steps in the recruitment process is scheduling visits:
Visit Scheduling: This option becomes available once a recruit has narrowed down their choices to their top five and has been offered a scholarship by your school. Scheduling a visit costs 40 hours from CFB 25 Coins your overall team allocation but doesn’t count against the 50 hours you can spend on individual prospects.
Visit Planning: You can host up to four recruits per visit. Choose from 14 activities to impress them, and align these activities with their interests and your program’s strengths. Be mindful of position pairings to avoid creating unnecessary competition among prospects.
Winning the Visit: Ensure that your team performs well in the game or event during the visit. A positive experience can significantly influence a recruit’s decision.
Maintaining Commitments: After securing verbal commitments, it’s crucial to honor your promises throughout the season. Failure to meet expectations can result in losing recruits before signing day.
Recruiting in College Football 25 requires a strategic approach and careful management of resources. By College Football 25 Coins understanding the mechanics, prioritizing top talent, and effectively using your recruiting hours, you can build a formidable dynasty. Remember to align your program’s strengths with recruits’ needs and ensure that your visits leave a lasting impression. With these strategies, you'll be well on your way to building a championship-winning team and achieving success in Dynasty Mode.
on August 20 at 02:19 AM

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