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The fastest route to access this region of the map

The fastest route to access this region of RS Gold the map is by using the Rada's Blessing 3 or 4 teleport. If you don't already have this access, look into using the fairy ring code c-i r or rub the Skills Necklace and selecting the Farming Guild teleport.
The prerequisites for obtaining an slayer assignment from Konar are a minimum combat level of 75 and you'll need to be a member to access the Zeah continent. Keep in mind, it's worth noting that it is possible to make payments for membership using bonds by earning coins in-game.
Unlike others Slayer Masters, Konar's tasks require players to visit an exact spot to kill monsters. This means that players are able to be awarded a Brimstone Key as they complete their mission as a reward. The drop rate on these keys is contingent on the level of battle of the monster that is being killed , but can range between 1/50 and 1/100.
Brimstone Keys may then be delivered to osrs runescape gold a treasure chest next to Konar where players will receive rewards that boost their profit. Keys are worth approximately 103,000 gold, which means you should definitely cash it in at the end of your quest.
on May 19 at 08:01 PM

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