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I am so proud of you to be on the path to recovery

Yes! Occasionally I get caught by Animal Crossing Bells surprise because food isn't a big deal to me anymore. What I was able to think about every moment of the day is not even a second thought. Even though there are a few moments of weakness, I wouldn't trade recovery for anything on earth. We're all rooting for you OP
I was in residential care to get a eating disorder two years back for about eight weeks. It completely changed my life. If someone told me back then where I would be today, I'd have never believed them. I never knew how much I was capable of. Ensure you stick with your continuation of care as you step down into lower levels of therapy, you have got this!!
I am so proud of you to be on the path to recovery. I have been working on it to the previous eight years with my excellent therapist and it had been the best choice I ever made. You're likely to have bad days, but you're worth pushing past.
I'm also in recovery for an eating disorder and we've got this! We will conquer it and feel at peace with our relationship with food, mind and body! Congratulations for starting this journey!! I have been dealing with a few depressive states recently and only added this Handsome Boy to Nook Miles Ticket For Sale my island. I had totally forgotten encouraging him. He left my day when I watched him lol
on January 25 at 01:14 AM

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