When he stands up on his back legs he is going to do a full body slam. You can avoid this by rolling into it at the last second, or more simply by stepping to the side and jumping as the hits the ground. This way you can land a jumping attack combo as he gets up off the ground.
When he dips his head down, he is going to do an upward horn swing. This one has a slight delay before the attack and deals massive damage, so wait for the swing to begin before rolling toward and through his head. This one has a long cooldown, so use the opening to Elden Ring Items attack.
If you are attacking him from the side he often reacts with a side step/bite attack where he attempts to bump you away from him. As you might expect, you need to roll through the tackle. Watch his body movements close and dodge as he moves in.
His bite attacks are a bit more straightforward. He telegraphs them by opening his mouth wide, then dashes forward as he attempts to chomp down on you. Roll into the bite as his mouth closes and you can avoid them. Just be careful, he loves to combo these quick bites into other attacks like the head uppercut.
Like most big beast enemies the hippo is susceptible to best site to buy elden ring items bleed and of course staggers. Try and use charge attacks whenever you have an opening to build toward a knockdown.
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