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If you happen to be a real pro in FIFA and the highest difficulty

For this you simply have to go to the game settings in the main menu or if you're already in a match simply press pause and go to the game settings on there FUT 23 Coins. Then you go to either "User gameplay customisation" or to "CPU gameplay customisation".
Once you're there, you can simply tweak the sliders to weaken the CPU, to improve your team's abilities or even both. By the way, if you happen to be a real pro in FIFA and the highest difficulty is still too easy for you, you can improve the CPU even more to make it harder for you to beat them. It's not classic cheating, but we wanted to explain this option to you anyway.
Okay, look, this method really is cheating. I mean, it's in the name... The cheat engine is only available for PC players and is mostly used in Career Mode. The cheat engine really dives into the coding of your game and changes some settings. You have countless options, and they can really be fun.
You can go from simple alternations like your manager rating, a player's morale, position, or even his potential – to some real game changers. Because you can also move players around different clubs, adjust your budget, add players like Icons or even include new leagues. This again does not affect anyone's game except yours, so if you want to use it, feel free to do so.
A way to help you to beat your mate in an offline match... Once you're in the team selection screen, keep an eye in the middle of the screen buy FIFA 23 Coins. You'll see an icon, indicating for you to press R3 on PlayStation, or simply press the RS on Xbox.
on May 03 at 05:22 AM

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