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World of Warcraft brought the issue of making everything superpowered

The next design concept the designer discussed was WoTLK Gold "What is the fantasy?" This time, World of Warcraft said it's crucial to ensure that the game experience to what players expect by citing the expectations of playing guitar in World of Warcraft or being the god-slayer of God of War's Kratos.

Blizzard is working to capture the imagination in Starcraft II.

World of Warcraft feels that Blizzard was not able to accomplish this goal in the first Starcraft particularly in relation to heroes units. In their essence, heroes should be the ones who is the most effective unit in the battlefield who commands army units and is able to change the battle's tide. In Starcraft however, the heroes were weak particularly in battles with more than 50 units, and players had to protect their heroes in their home base. The issue was solved with World of Warcraft, though the hero was the strongest unit. Also, since battle sizes were less and legendary fighters were able be revived, players could use their heroes as intended.

Moving further, World of Warcraft brought the issue of making everything superpowered. He stated that each class and unit should be impossible to stop, but the game should be balanced when everything is handled correctly. One way to accomplish this, he explained is to highlight the huge distinctions between units, which cheap WoTLK Classic Gold means that if you significantly intensify one's attack it is advisable to similarly do the same thing for the defense of another.
on February 06 at 01:24 AM

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