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Blizzard has confirmed that the last tension

As we approach World of Warcraft Classic's release in August WoTLK Gold, Blizzard has now confirmed that they will have local servers for Australia and other regions of the Oceanic region, which is a great thing.

The Oceanic realms will be open for players in Australia, New Zealand, as well as other regions in Southeast Asia. The servers are located in Australia, and they'll launch on the 27th of August. The names for the servers to come soon prior to when character name reservations begin on the 13th of August.

Blizzard has confirmed that the last tension test in WoW Classic will be conducted on the 26th and 27th of July. The test is global, and the goal is to give Blizzard another opportunity of testing WoW Classic on a size prior to its public release. This version of WoW Classic available in the testing phase includes several updates and fixes. Blizzard claims that testers have submitted around 17.000 bug-related reports from The closed beta. This closed beta expires on July 13.

"We share the opinion of the numerous WoW Classic enthusiasts in Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia that it will be a wonderful thing for players from that region of the world cheap WoTLK Classic Gold, to connect to realms which are hosted in this region of the globe," Blizzard said in a statement. "Planned it all along!"
on January 14 at 02:18 AM

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