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I do remember that when I visited Blizzcon wow

I do remember that when I visited Blizzcon there was a fan who came up to me, and was actually somewhat disappointed that we merged his realm with another as they used to claim buy WoTLK Gold, "We're the holdout Alliance." One out of 45 people comprised Alliance and the majority were Horde which was the last bastions to defend this. It was a great feeling to be in the reverse circumstance. It's somewhat to taste for players surely, and there are a lot of resources you are able to use to decide whether you want to get yourself in that scenario or not. I think that players always determine what they want to latch onto the most and sometimes it's just being the underdog.
This isn't an insignificant topic However, as with every patch that came out, there was a number of adjustments to different classes. In general, how are your thoughts on the responses to the nerfs, and buffs each class been given this time?
The high-level philosophy was to allow classes some variety in the activities they are able to play. We've made many changes , and it's possible that there will be more to come, but we did all that we were comfortable with and that's one aspect we'll continue to iterate on and continue to work on. In terms of adjustments, Jay can probably speak more clearly to this.
It's true, but our target for 7.1.5 was similar to what Adam said, to explore different play styles for a number of specifications we wanted modify in some way, however the most important focus was on potential buy WoW WoTLK Classic Gold. The focus was on balancing talents across rows and trying to revive under-used or underutilized talents. I'm sure we'll witness a lot of that developed as players experiment with different designs on live.
on November 23 at 07:36 PM

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