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Blizzard believes that by introducing story wow

"It takes some time to develop content so we need to know the direction the story is taking," Kowalkowski said. "We certainly know where this sequence is going buy WoTLK Gold. We know exactly how it is going to dovetail."
Blizzard believes that by introducing story hooks and the new mechanics in addition to checking on beloved characters it will sustain the game's popularity. The studio has stopped reporting active players in the year 2015. and the rise of other online games and genres like the loot-shooter and battle royale means it's not the all-time king of the socially-focused online game.
"[Players tend to] disappear for various reasons. Sometimes it's because I relocated or went abroad," Kowalkowski said. "I think what we try to do is to create an engaging game we can. Rise of Azshara is a reaction to lots of feedback we received internally as well as externally. This was in regards to wanting to give players more agency, more choice."
Part of sustaining the game is also welcoming players who've been away for a long time, or even ones who have never previously played World of Warcraft before. With so many things to do after 15 years cheap WoW WoTLK Classic Gold, Rise of Azshara attempts to enhance the smoothness of the on-ramp than ever before and allows players to connect with their fellow players who have already poured many hours in the game.
on November 23 at 01:54 AM

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