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When will scheduled to take place the next Double XP event in RuneScape?

The final reward track unlocks at the end of this month's Quest Point Caravan, a medium-sized XP lamp, the Shadow Rip home of Relomia, Teleport's cosmetic override for OSRS Gold Home Teleport, two Treasure Hunter keys" and "one further surprise to be found".
When will going to be the next RuneScape Double XP Event?
Running with Runescape's Double XP events are always thrilling for players. In giving players a long period of time in which they can get a huge amount of XP in and is a decent method of celebrating the progress that the game has gone through and where it can go in the future. If you're looking to take benefits of Double XP event in RuneScape The following is what you need to be aware of.
Runescape Double Exp will finally begin this Friday, the 18th of February. The duration will be ten days. Since there are only a few of these in a year, it's probable that we'll need to be patient for an additional one. Be sure to map out your goals and think about what you're doing to get maximum value from the extra XP.
When will scheduled to take place the next Double XP event in RuneScape?
We saw our very final Double XP event of 2021 in the year that ended the last event in November. In the past few years, there's been less than four events per year . For obvious reasons, they need to be big!
Looking ahead to the next event it was predicted that we'd see it in late February. This was the case. . As early as 2014, there's been an"double" or "bonus XP event that is currently taking place. Given how the last few events have worked, we wouldn't expect any more changes, as Jagex appear to have perfected this formula.
The players get 48 hours of Double XP time to take advantage of for about 10 days. There was one exception where the event ran for 21 days. But the 10-day events are more likely to attract huge numbers of Buy OSRS Gold participants due to the fact that they are limited in their scope.
on September 12 at 02:43 AM

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