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Is RuneScape worth playing in 2022

In a blog post posted to their blog "The RuneScape Team" stated that "gold bought through RWT real world trading is a problem in any online game that has a tradeable currency OSRS Gold."
Jagex promises to be sending "messages to those we've identified as engaging to engage in"RWT" within "the next few hours". "For those who were involved, we'd like to make it clear that this is your one und only caution," they added.
Additionally, it was announced about the game's PvP option, Duel Arena, would undergo sweeping changes, including the tighter enforcement of game's code of conduct in order to encourage more positive game play. Jagex says the feature "has been a trigger to this kind of toxic behavior".
Before that, however publishers say that "short-term measures" are in place "until our teams of developers are able to create a major update which completely replaces the Duel Arena next year."
Is RuneScape worth playing in 2022?
RuneScape hasn't lasted over 20 years due to it being an average game that nobody commits to over the long run. As an MMORPG, it's an aspect of a genre that appears to always be in danger of disappearing in spite of the popularity of a very few games.
So, as we enter Year 21 of RuneScape's existence Is it still the best MMORPG to play for free? Do you think it is worth the price of a paid membership cheap rs accounts? Simply put...  is RuneScape worth playing through 2022 and beyond? Let's have a look...
on August 31 at 02:08 AM

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