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You are now able to make Yew Longbows which give 75 experiences

You're now able to OSRS gold construct Willow Longbows which give 41.5 experience for fletching or stringing them. You'll need to continue this until Level 50. that requires 64.109 XP. That means you'll have to make 1.545 Willow Longbows to get to the level 40. This should take around 40 minutes to complete.

Level 50-55: Maple Shortbows

It is now possible to make Maple Shortbows which give 50 points for fletching and stringing them. This should be done until Level 55. That's 65.303 XP, meaning that you'll require 1.307 Maple Shortbows in order to reach Level 55. This should take around 35 minutes to complete.

Level 55 - 65 Level 55 - 65: Maple Longbows

It is now possible to create Maple Longbows which give 58.2 experience for fletching or stringing them. This should be done until you reach level 65. which requires 287.792 Experiment Points, which means you'll require 4.861 Maple Longbows in order to reach Level 65. It's expected to take two hours and thirty minutes to complete.

Level 65 - 70: Yew Shortbows

You can now make Yew Shortbows which give 67.5 experience for fletching and stringing them. You'll need to keep doing this until Level 70. which requires 288.199 XP. That means you'll need 4.270 Yew Shortbows to achieve Level 70. It should take between 1 an hour, 45 mins to complete.

Level 70-80: Yew Longbows

You are now able to make Yew Longbows which give 75 experiences for stringing or fletching them. It is recommended to string them until the point of buy RS gold Level 80. This requires 1.248.441 Experimentation Points, which means that you'll have to build 16.646 Yew Longbows to achieve Level 80. It's going to take you about 6 days and 30 minutes finish.
on August 08 at 09:24 PM

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