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Know about the functions for Fused Leapstone in Lost Ark

Fused Leapstone can prove quite beneficial sometimes as it can assist you in upgrading a rare item and free up your crafting and collectibles that are required for upgrading it. If you're a fan of exploring hidden places in Lost Ark, make sure to check out our Lost Ark Cradle of The Sea Fermata and Lagoon Island guides Buy Lost Ark Gold.
Do I To Get Fused Leapstones
The item was recently introduced in this game, there aren't many ways to earn Fused Leapstone in the game. One option to help you get this item is by participating in the brand-new Legion Raid events. These events are similar to similar to the Guardian Raid and Abyssal Dungeons events, however they are more competitive with a different strategy.
The Legion Raid is available for the Beast Commander Valtan. After you defeat the Commander you stand a great chance of receiving The Leapstone as a drop reward.
One thing to keep in mind is that you may go for an Legion Raid only once a week, and if you don't manage to get an Leapstone the player must keep waiting for a whole week before trying again. Before continuing check out take a look at our Lost Ark Nia Rapport and Caspiel guides might be helpful to you.
Fused Leapstone Information
Different people have different opinions regarding Fused Leapstone, and some say that they have more purposes than simply boosting levels of items. This is why you should know about the functions for Fused Leapstone in Lost Ark.
It is only possible to make use of Leapstone to upgrade items after you've reached Level 1415 within the game Lost Ark Gold for sale.
on August 05 at 10:06 PM

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