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you'll need to Lost Ark Gold outfit all four parts to equip the skin.

The Northern Lawmaker skin is made from four distinct components, and you'll need to Lost Ark Gold outfit all four parts to equip the skin.

All combat statistics in Lost Ark explained

The numbers don't lie and they can spell doom for your foes.

Scott Robertson

Image comes from Smilegate in addition to Amazon Studios

Combat is the most important thing that happens in Lost Ark. In the MMO action RPG has your character progressing through the world of massive scale, taking down numerous villains on the way.

Once your class and the advanced selection is made, you're put into the real world with several class skills to learn and master. The first step to becoming the most deadly version of yourself is understanding how combat statistics are used. They differ from regular stats like Attack and Health and have more specific consequences when they are enhanced.

This is everything you need to be aware of all the combat-related stats found in Lost Ark.


Your Crit stat impacts what you call your Critical Ratio, that determines the amount of times you have critical attacks. The rate is the percentage chance that your attacks have of being considered critical. Interestingly, your Crit stat doesn't have any effect on the amount of damage that critical attacks cause (default is 100 percent).


Your Domination stat determines the amount of additional damage you deal to players who're handicapped, disabled, or otherwise impaired. This applies to enemies that have been Staggered (stunned) or pushed (moved) or rebuked.


Your Swiftness stat determines how quick you are during combat. This stat boosts your movement speed and attack speed and also reduces the duration of your cooldowns for your class skills.


A Endurance stat is crucial to your defense and health so it is an important character stat in the tank world to prioritize. Endurance improves your physical and magical defense, and also the efficacy of healing and shields.


The Expertise stat significantly alters the way Debuffs effect you and your opponents. Expertise boosts the duration of Debuffs when cast on enemies , and also increases the damage associated with Stagger effects. It also reduces the duration of Debuffs that are cast on you.


Each Specialization skill is specific to the class in which you play. The abilities, skills, specific types, or different kinds of damage can be improved when you place points into Specialization. For instance, The Specialization point for Paladin sub-class enhance the effectiveness that you can use Holy Aura, the rate you increase your Piety meter and the damage that comes from Awakening. See your Specialization Section of your Character Profile to see how it affects your specific class.

From challenges to free-roaming you'll find plenty that will test your skills to the max in Lost Ark. At some point, you'll need to face World bosses. They're strong creatures that appear in specific regions of the map.
on May 30 at 05:14 AM

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