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 owe or become best friends and then give them a sum of money in place of 100K. Many individuals who call themselves "beggars" have actually high levels who earn money similar to RuneScape Gold these and then transfer funds so they will never get it back. Sometimes, they are lucky and become friends with strangers who will give them alot back.You've already had this discussed to you. This is the amount at which an individual is willing to pay for an item. A GE price is just an automatic method to record transactions and update the price in line with that. Why do you think GE prices change? Because people purchase and sell at market prices via the GE and it adjusts the price accordingly.
Since I joined RS just a few months ago when I finally joined I've been noticing a significant amount of players (mainly on the GEx) seeking money. As of now, I've only been able to put more than 500K in my account. I've never really needed more than that and I've never had the ambition to earn a living.
But, whenever I've had to purchase something costly, I've worked extremely hard to earn the cash I needed. I'm not one to consider asking people for money , yet I've witnessed a lot of players asking for numbers of up to 100k, 500K and even 1 million. I was thinking about whether the people who give money to these players? Do they earn a profit from these beggars?
If it is, then it's a bit demoralising to someone like me who, when I'm in the need of money, put an effort and time into earning it. You should see how lumby. Many of the old players make levels 3 accounts only to beg. Let me tell you... at the time that I first started my account... I was given about 250K in goods and cash... Well, this was 2-3 weeks ago. The next weekend, I'll have about 10 million. Why? because I merched with money. The money is proven to be valuable. One thing. You should never beg. I never begged for it but was given by an uninvolved person. If you spot someone who's new, and you're 100% sure that they're new, you could decide to take them around.
Also, people give money away in hopes that the players will become wealthy and Cheap RS 3 Gold owe or become best friends and then give them a sum of money in place of 100K. Many individuals who call themselves "beggars" have actually high levels who earn money similar to these and then transfer funds so they will never get it back. Sometimes, they are lucky and become friends with strangers who will give them alot back.
on February 27 at 07:31 PM

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