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How do you change the settings of the mouse in Lost Ark

The peak number of Lost Ark Gold viewers he saw following the interruption broke an individual record for the main Asmongold channel. Before, his top simultaneous viewer count was the middle of August in the debut of World of Warcraft Classic. During the streaming, he recorded to 263,720 users.
First things to consider when you're laying out the control plan to control your character in Lost Ark is deciding whether you want to use left-click or right-click as the standard attack button. Although this decision might appear to be permanent at first particularly in the way of the game's settings are displayed, there are ways to alter your mouse's controls within your game options.
In actual fact, Lost Ark has a fairly robust system that allows players to define their buttons and customize the way they play based on different kinds of games. The mouse controls, however, are more difficult than many other hotkeys to maximize.
To modify your mouse settings In Lost Ark, the first thing to do is access your game's In-game options by holding the Escape key. Once you've done that, you'll find various dropdown menus that you can access. Select the menu labeled "Hotkeys" to gain access to your buttons and control options.
Once you're in your "Hotkeys" menu, navigate down to find the section known as "Basic Controls." When you look over, you'll notice two red boxes with an icon for Buy Lost Ark Boosting your mouse inside. You'll also see the lock icon beside the boxes, which means the boxes aren't able modified.
on February 21 at 10:07 PM

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