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How do you change the settings of your mouse in Lost Ark

To alter your mouse settings to alter your mouse settings in Lost Ark Gold, the first step you'll need to take is to open your options in the game by hitting the Escape key. There's an array of dropdown menus that you can access. Choose the menu called "Hotkeys" to open the buttons and controls.
When you're in your "Hotkeys" menu, scroll to the lower part of the menu that's titled "Basic Controls." If you glance over, you'll notice two boxes in red with an icon for the mouse inside. In addition, you'll notice an icon for a lock next to the boxes, which means they can't be altered.
However, even though your mouse controls are locked, don't fret, you'll be able examine your settings more and find an option to "Attack using Right-click" just a few boxes further. Switch this box on or off based on which mouse button you prefer you to use.
If you select the "Attack using right-click" option is turned on it will allow you to be able to move, interact and select items using the left mouse button. If it's off then you'll use the left-click to attack , and right-click to perform everything else.
The first steps you'll take while laying out the control plan within Lost Ark is deciding whether you'd prefer to use left-click or right-click as your primary attack button. While this choice may appear permanent initially, particularly with the way that some of the game's options are displayed, there are options to buy Lost Ark Gold change your mouse control in the game's in-game choices.
on February 10 at 12:28 AM

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