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The words fade out and the door is opened

I am a Druid. Now that I'm free of the curse of OSRS Gold death I am able to help you create special herbs. It was not an evil spell. It was simply sunburn. Thank for your kindness! Let me know if there's something I can help you with! I need you to inform me whether you have Sunbleached plants. Unfortunately, there aren't any. If you do provide me with some white herbs I'll be able to prepare these.
The player takes the White Herbs, and then gives them to the Druid. Solarus Sunaris Sunbleached Herbs are the white Herbs that you'll discover in your bag. I was wondering to know where I can find Sunset Herbs. In the soil and in the Moonrise chest. Where can I find them in the earth?
There is a ladder on the southernmost point of the island. Climb the ladder starting from the South-West Tip of Solar Isle. Do you think this is the place that the Druid was talking about? Continue along the corridor until you change direction towards the west. Then you will come to an Enchanted Door. The door will show the letters.
In the front there is an Riddle appears. Two men are talking. One man claims he celebrated his an anniversary two days ago and that the date was 21. He claims he'll be 25 in 2 years. This is awe-inspiring. If it were possible, on what date did they discuss? They were talking on January 2nd , and their date of their birthday is December 31st.
The words fade out and the door is opened. It's possible that it is the chest. It is possible to search the chest by opening the chest. Grimy Sunset herbs will be handed to you. The herb needs 50 Herblore to Old School RS Gold clean. Clean the herb , and return to the Dungeon. The cut-scene will be shown the player. Savarius Solar will fight with a Masked Mage.
on December 01 at 12:38 AM

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