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I usually avoid these little talk. I'm not a problem if they get into arguments

I've had about 3 arguments with nubs who think they are better than me. This is due to the fact that I don't wear my 99 cape 24/7. I'm not able to say about my 99-flying however I did do fletching for money for quite along time, as well as wcing. I stopped at about 96 and half, and then decided to add it to RuneScape gold my already 99 strength. I believe 99 fms'ing is a laughable excuse for a 99. I don't enjoy my 99 flytch cape neither do I wear it.
Okay I was killing my way in the kuradel dungeon. But while i am beating up a few abyssals, i notice that two people are having a deep conversation. I would normally just ignore them and continue to my work however this conversation caught my interest.
"No, no dude! Black people cannot afford to participate in the game!" I could not resist and began to laugh out loud. I was laughing so hard my balls started hurtin... Okay, maybe not as hard, but u get my point.
I usually avoid these little talk. I'm not a problem if they get into arguments, but this morning I was feeling very bad so I decided to make an opening statement. which is completely true. "I'M BLACK and buy OSRS gold I PLAY RUNESCAPE!" SURPRISE! I was shocked!
on September 15 at 10:28 PM

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