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Although it's likely to be better with TBC

In 2005, the majority of WOW Classic TBC Gold servers were split 60/40 Alliance. What's the reason? I think the reason was because the player base at the time was less shrewd and casual (aka was more interested in the fantasy of characters than analyzing meta-games for pvp). The players favored alliance due to it being more relatable, and they desired heroes like the ones in Lord of the Rings. It was much easier to be an unnatural "bad guy" or zombie than to desire to be that. The Will of the Forsaken game was huge and horde was focused on pvp. It wasn't an issue. While it was widely known that horde was more powerful in PVP racials but it wasn't really a big deal.
Although it's likely to be better with TBC and other areas traditional PvP with open worlds was a major problem for Alliance on the PVP server. There's no reason for meta players (majority however, not all) to join Alliance in horde-vs.-horde queues.
This is an insult to my time and effort spent on alliance players on servers. This will result in the dominance of hordes on all pvp realms. The alliance will be impossible in an open world. This is evident from the classicwow subreddit's response. Wow is gone and the playerbase is a complete waste of time.
Developers and players transform traditional into retail and gg.
Don't do it. It is possible that you'll continue to play your character in Classic however, you will not. This is particularly the case if you've completed Naxxramas. You are able to buy TBC Classic Gold start again with a new character if you want to play Vanilla. It's much more fun and rewarding.
on September 13 at 03:10 AM

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