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Hey. In actual fact, I've invented MyAion.

you don't see any bots since the bots are aion classic kinah at levels 4045 this moment and farming is not available in higher levels. This is the reason why you spot people selling hundreds of extremely difficult-to-buy items for thousands dollars when the average player could only afford a few.

and yeah if thats something you're capable of doing efficiently and efficiently, then good for you man. I'm not convinced it's worth the effort and account juggling i've personally never really liked these kinds of loopholes.

A skilled botter won't say, "Okay my first batch of level 45 lets us have a break from the first zones and wait until we start up the next batch." They aren't able to claim they have lost money for a week , since they're doing both when they have one.

To be honest , I think you greatly underestimate just how much time individuals have to spend. I attended six gatherings last night, and left with more than 7,000 Aether Gems.

The nice thing about farming in Aion Once you've outleveled your farm, you're able to completely ignore it , and instead focus on other things. For those six hours? I was playing another game on the second screen.

All this talk about candy is a waste of time, since all games have gold sellers since day one. People have always bought kinah from the gold sellers. In the past, now and also in the future. The only difference is that they provide the real money to the developer instead of the gold sellers

This. It's pretty dumb to talk about it. I am talking about logging in to go to the store. And it was a ghost town. We logged in to classic... and it was alive. The subscription model as well as the actual money shop seem to be the preferred option.

Hey. In actual fact, I've invented MyAion. The numbers are derived from login packets which were sent to clients. At launch time NCWest was testing server stability and they started with capacities of up to 500 people online. They slowly increased the capacity until current settings. There euro aion classic buy kinah were queues immediately after the launch. But, the queue numbers were not correct. It may have been caused by changing the settings of the login server.
on August 01 at 08:23 PM

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