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I have trouble with planning in animal crossing

Thank you so much for submitting this! I've slightly impaired mobility in Animal Crossing Bells my hands and movie games are a real challenge for me personally. I adore the fact that this machine makes it easier for people with impaired mobility. I expect one day, all video games have a mode for people with impaired mobility!
I have trouble with planning in animal crossing. Stuff like fishing, digging and setting paths and stuff like this. So I really want more access options in the sport. Maybe have like a dot to show where your character is aiming before you click. I could imagine that would make it much simpler when using a controller like that one.
I find Nintendo games change a lot. I have ring fit experience and there's so many options in that game to configure it for different physical abilities (although it can take a bit of hunting ) then creature Crossing as others noted relies on numerous audio hints. I don't comprehend why they're really poor or inconsistent
This is amazing! My husband recently became disabled a couple of months back due to a bad car accident. He was diagnosed with a brachial plexus injury and struggles to Buy Nook Miles Ticket use his left hand. We are still trying to find out what everything are out there so he can do things like this and also be on the computer easier.
on May 27 at 11:47 PM

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