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Nobody wishes to grind win after win with crappy prizes

They wreck with every attribute/skill but leave the vitals untouched. So basically they are placing a Shaq skin. If Shaq is bought by you, it's because as a lover in real life you want to NBA 2K21 MT do things, maybe not Curry things. You are not expecting to score via skyhooks in the street, if you purchase Curry. Let the players be if they are not gon t be anything near their real life counterpart who they are as mentioned previously with Earl Monroe, why permit them?
Take that Shaq and call it John Smith and individuals would still use it if it had been good, so do that? The main reason is they are currently relying on name recognition for the earnings and it's still another bait and switch. MT about the TTO prize board will help. It does not. As the cards get much better and more costly parallel should be ascended in by the MT and token prizes. Not just a 1:1 ratio (the inflation can be a bit more compared to income but not that much more.) Including the daily login prizes and the daily schedule. Nobody is going to be enticed to win a Domination game by 20 utilizing 3 Heat players to 350 MT in June. They'd hardly be enticed in November.
Nobody wishes to grind win after win with crappy prizes, only to reach the last board model (Wins 8-10) and watch crappy prizes there too, with 4 and 5 balls accessible to bounce around for 500 MT. Once someone gets to 12 wins in MTU they are guaranteed a POTM, but after one reaches 10 wins in TTO they are exposed to Buy NBA 2K21 MT Coins arbitrary rubbish that more often than not ends in disappointment. Make Boards 8-10 have a flooring of 500 MT as the smallest reward (in those blue side trays) and have ensured 10 tokens in the yellow center trays and randomised good prizes at the two base green trays (packs/players/5k MT etc).
on April 27 at 02:03 AM

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