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MMOexp WoW: It's clear that there's a lack of choices available

If you decide to reroll or make your free move to WoW Classic SoD Gold servers, it's almost impossible to find an online guild for raiding that has a daily heroic group to make it possible to recruit people for the arena group. This is a totally non viable option. It's not as a solution is a bit generous in the case of WOTLK Classic. Now, of course, it is possible to pay for a transfer into a moderate or high POP server. But you're then required by Blizzard to pay for the solution to the issue in the first place. Blizzard permitted to develop in the first place, which is the whole server landscape, the shambolic server landscape we've found ourselves in over the last three years. Learn how to maximize honor in WOTLK and learn how to get the honor cap.
And of course on top of that, you'll have to leave your entire social network and the community behind. you'd have to switch to a server that you don't know anyone, and have no contacts. And that's kind of the point of an MMO is in the years that you build attachments to the players in the guild community that you're playing with every day. Therefore, server transfers, and especially transfer of servers for free to empty servers, is an boring solution as I've mentioned a moment ago. The good news is that getting some of the best gear in the pre-patch process is simple.
It's clear that there's a lack of choices available. sometimes over 13.000 players only on one server, and that's just for blessing if you added all the wait times for all the players sitting in queue we'd probably have 30.000 40.000 people right moment trying to connect to one of the classic servers as they sit at their computer, waiting to play the game that they're paying a monthly fee to play. You're paying a monthly fee that allows them to participate in the game which first came out fifteen years ago. However, they're also finding they aren't able to play it due to some cost saving reason that the analytic team at Blizzard come has has decided upon the right. It seems to me that it's pretty clear that Blizzard has not increased server's capacity due to the cost of WoW Classic SoD Gold for sale money.
on April 24 at 09:38 PM

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