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Fighters may experience a significant decrease

Shield Wielding: Fighters can choose to wield a shield Dark And Darker Gold, enhancing their defensive capabilities and blocking effectiveness.

Melee and Ranged Capabilities: Whether engaging in close combat or providing ranged support, Fighters have the flexibility to do both effectively.

However, no class is without its challenges and limitations:

Limited Specialization: Fighters have fewer options for specialization compared to some other classes. They often stack physical defense but might lack the depth of specialization seen in classes like Wizards, Clerics, or Warlocks.

Slower Movement Speed: When wearing heavy plate armor, Fighters may experience a significant decrease in movement speed. While the Sprint skill mitigates this issue to some extent, it doesn't eliminate it entirely.

Difficulty in Blocking and Parrying: Fighters heavily rely on buying Dark And Darker Gold blocking and parrying, which can be challenging to execute consistently due to the directional blocking system.
on October 20 at 02:04 AM

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