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Ballistic Rubber Tiles For Gun Club Firing


Our ballistic tiles tested for a complete spectrum of the most common small arms calibers and ammunition used by the Military, Enforcement, and Civilians. The ballistic tiles were tested to acquire both Penetration and Ricochet characteristics at 100 m, 10 m, and 2m distances at various impact angles with different weapon systems. Get more news about ballistic tiles,you can vist our website!

Made of tough rubber particles that are bound by a polyurethane binder. Exhibits excellent anti-ricochet properties. Tested to a complete spectrum of the most common small arms calibers and ammunition used by the Military, Enforcement, and Civilians. Sizes: 500 mm x 500 mm [20" x 20"], Thickness: from 40 mm to 50 mm Ballistic Rubber Tiles are used to stop bullets which helps to prevent ricochets and lead splash-backs thereby reducing lead dust propagated from repeated range firing. The ballistic rubber tiles are high density, strength, and elasticity to provide a safe live fire environment. Ballistic Rubber tiles are designed for use in shooting ranges and gun clubs. These extra thick and extremely durable rubber tiles assist in ricochet reduction and help to reduce noise levels at firing ranges. Ballistic Rubber tiles can be loose laid in a wall-to-wall installation or adhered in place using a little double-sided carpet tape or polyurethane adhesive. Khandesh Group Ballistic Rubber Tiles are generally used for shooting range areas and walls. Bullets are trapped inside the tiles.
Ballistic Rubber Tiles are used to stop bullets which helps to prevent ricochets and lead splash-backs thereby reducing lead dust propagated from repeated range firing. The ballistic rubber tiles are high density, strength and elasticity to provide safe live fire environment.Made of tough rubber particles that are bound by a polyurethane binder. Exhibits excellent anti-ricochet properties. Tested to a complete spectrum of the most common small arms calibers and ammunition used by the Military, Enforcement and Civilians.Our SBR ballistic rubber products have superior strength, elasticity, and durability, with a tensile strength of 950-1150 psi Ultimate elongation: 210-300%, 100% modulus: 350-400psi, coefficient of friction: 1.2-1.25 static.Aramid fibers are the most widely used high strength and high-performance fibers in the field of ballistic impact.Is ballistic bullet proof? In conclusion, no, “bulletproof” and “ballistic-resistant” are not the same. At CoverSix, we proudly label our buildings as “ballistic-resistant”—with the live, in-field tests to back it up—and we strongly recommend that you look for the same in whoever you end up working with.Nothing is 100% bullet proof. However, many things are bullet “resistant” and military combat armor is made out of said materials. Of course, everything has tradeoffs. The more bullet resistant something is, the less flexible and heavier it gets.

For use in shooting ranges to reduce noise and to help with ricochets. Each ballistic tile is constructed with two different surfaces. The grid surface is installed facing outward in areas where the primary goal is noise reduction The flat surface faces is installed facing outward when ricochet reduction is the primary concern. Our Ballistic Tiles are made from 100% recycled tire rubber.

on June 22 at 12:24 AM

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