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2 components moulding

2 components moulding

Two components injection moulding machines allow you to mould your part in 2 different materials at the same time. This is possible thanks to two independent injection systems.To get more news about 2k injection molding, you can visit official website.

The main application for 2-K moulding is the moulding of a first rigid material and a second soft material, generally TPE i.e. Thermo plastic elastomer. These Elastomers can give flexibility to the part, or soft touch or provide a sealing against dust, spray water or tightness to fluids.

A very important aspect in the moulding of a product in 2 materials, is the adhesion of the two materials. You can rely on chemical adhesion which is inherent to the material chosen, and is improved when using index plate or rotary table moulding techniques as these allow the transfer of the 1st shot into the 2nd cavity at optimal temperature.On the other hand TPEs have technical and application limits, notably their resistance to mineral oils and hydrocarbons and temperature above 120° is poor. Vulcanised rubber is also generally superior to TPS as regards to mechanical properties especially in the low shore grades.
The 2K injection molding process is incorporated when you want the plastic parts of your product to be formed out of two materials to improve the use case and the aesthetics of the product. These 2 materials could be either of different colors or different textures thus, giving you a wide variety of options to customize your product.

The 2K injection molding process has various advantages. Some of these are listed below:

The product is more durable due to the chemical bonding.
The assembly step can be eliminated.
Products can be customized as per aesthetic requirements.
Wide variety of options available in terms of design and texture.
2K Injection molding process can be completed with one injection molding machine thus, reducing the manufacturing time.

on May 08 at 11:28 PM

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