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For everyone else it just makes Diablo more difficult to play

For everyone else it just makes Diablo 4 Gold more difficult to play.

There was a time when we were here or somewhere similar. When Diablo 3 was released in 2012 it came with an auction house that was real money where players could purchase or sell their drops. In theory, this existed to stop the fraud and cheating that plagued players within Diablo 2. However, in order to direct players towards the auction house, Blizzard dropped the loot rate in the game to the such a degree that equipping your character's character turned into a boring grind, and the game as a whole felt unrewarding to play. When the unpopular auction house was eliminated and drop rates were increased in 2014 Diablo 3 instantly became more enjoyable, even before the innovations of The Reaper of Souls expansion lifted the game to legendary status.


This is the point: it may be logical on paper in the attempt to create a profit from Diablo's loot. However when you do this, you're draining enjoyment out of the game. The same thing happens with Diablo Immortal and it's evident before it gets to the endgame due to the fact that it is a fundamental part of the game's gameplay. Drops on loot are less effective and character progression is artificially slowed and distributed across too many systemsthat are gritty and granular. It's more carefully concealed than it was at the start of Diablo 3, but it's the same boring grind. purchasing a battle pass, or spending big on legendary crests doesn't help much as paying for an excellent item drop won't be as thrilling as simply getting one.


I'm not sure if there is a way to separate the basic elements of what makes Diablo enjoyable from the mechanics of free to play monetization. If there exists, Blizzard and NetEase have not yet found it. They've created a mobile version of Diablo that's smooth and enjoyable. It's even very generous initially. If you're spending enough time with it you'll realize that the essence of Diablo has been cut out, cut up, and then sold to you piecemeal.


Diablo Immortal is not nearly as bad as a free-to-play Diablo IV Gold could have been. The game is a constant assault on your turn , with a variety of microtransactions, but they are all in unfathomable currencies. You'll have to grind to win especially if you decide not to make a purchase in the game. Your reward for all this is a less than perfect duplicated version of Diablo II's story.

on April 03 at 10:11 PM

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