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Next gamers will want to travel to Northdale

Next gamers will want to travel to Northdale and get better Taelan's lost honor. It can be discovered in one of the lakes in Nothdale subsequent to a locked chest. After returning the WOW Classic Items  lost honor, Tirion will train players to searching for out a family portrait in Caer Darrow.
After crossing the bridge in Caer Darrow, gamers have to take a right away left and comply with the path until they reach what seems to be  abandoned homes. In the house at the right, game enthusiasts will find out a female ghost. The ghost is none apart from Renfrey, the artist that drew the portrait of Tirion and his circle of relatives.
The questline starts offevolved to get greater tough as soon as Renfrey instructs gamers to tour to Stratholme, in which the painting is located. Gamers will need to invade the Scarlet Citadel and make it to the final room of the dungeon. Instead of following the carpet and going right in the remaining room, players need to head into the room at the left. After entering, players need turn to the proper and click on at the portrait of  moons. The portrait will provide gamers the Of Love And Family quest item. Again, gamers want to return to Tirion for the next steps in the quest.
on August 11 at 02:12 AM

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