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You can enter Windbringer Hills via the Origins of Stern portal

You can enter Windbringer Hills via the Origins of Stern portal. Walk southeast to the junction, and then straight across to the point where metal steps descend. In Lost Ark Gold the middle of the steps you'll come across an Machine Legionnaire Prototype with two bio-enhanced warriors to share the space with. In spite of having a chainsaw and the sword, he's not likely to put up too much of an opponent.
Sharptooth Crocodile
From the northwest, take to the Guard Post Triport in Windbringer Hills. Ignore the first two paths to your left and follow the final one, which is north, and leads to the northern corner that is part of the Zone. As you enter, remain to the left , with the rising sandstone wall directly next to you. As you approach an impressive stone wall, you'll be confronted with The Sharptooth Crocodile.
Dr Bergstrom's Laboratory is a dungeon situated in Totrich located on the Arthetine continent of Lost Ark. The dungeon is small and has dark industrial style that is full of cogs as well as conveyor belts. There are also a couple of essential cooking ingredients that can find here - in addition to five mokoko seeds to add to your collection.
You're going to have to go through the entire dungeon to gather all mokoko seeds, including eliminating enemies S and J. But it's possible to do it at any difficulty level. The seeds are all accessible, however two are in Cheap Lost Ark Gold an off-map region that will only be accessible once you've finished the last battle.
on August 10 at 02:38 AM

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