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Lost Ark intentionally left out the honing buff for 1340 to encourage

People gotta stop with this ignorant regurgitation of Reddit post talking points, you're basically going to Lost Ark Gold bat for AGS/money river when NA/EU clearly does not mean much to them other than a cash grab.
QOL patches ought to have been included in the game from the beginning and most of "free" mats they offered us were prior to giving us the deadzone fix that they deliberately left out in The Lost Ark game to milk whales to Argos.
The copium posters of the early days were claiming that the community bickered and they had to drop Argos earlier, but nobody had a problem with specific Argos the retailer! It was the stupid refusal to fix the deadzone they knew was a problem.
Lost Ark intentionally left out the honing buff for 1340 to encourage players to swipe in order to get to Argos Week One. Everyone wanted to play the content, but there was no other content available in the game other than grinds, velganos, and the like. The only option with the Lost Ark system at the time was to use the 6 awakening Amex card.
In the past, people would have gotten used to the dull grind, as they could create alternative games or concentrate on horizontal things, but then they abruptly dropped Argos after claiming they were not and didn't include the honing patch, and instead used the FOMO to make a profit which worked extremely well , as the newer players or people who were not in the loop for month 1 seem to believe it was due to Argos dropping too early, and not the actual issues. This is a pattern that continues to get worse as each month passes. drip feeding to earn thedollars.
It's not even getting started with the bots and how they dumped the bag full of skins, when they could have sold the skins like hot cakes at the time when Lost Ark actually had 750k real players, but instead chose to Buy Lost Ark Gold take our loot boxes and sell us skins worth 750 dollars 4+ months after the release?
on August 08 at 09:20 PM

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