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This belt will be at level 265 and carry The Unity legendary power

WOW Classic TBC Patch 9.2 allowed players to carry two legendary items on wow classic tbc gold your character. This change comes following the limitation of only having only one legendary available at a time since the release of WOW Classic TBC, generally forcing players to select which legendary power they would like to focus on for the majority of the expansion's.

But, with Patch 9.2 players can now use two legendary weapons, granting the character even more strength and a burst of flexibility in their legendary power. Here's how to equip two legendary objects for WoW: WOW Classic TBC Patch 9.2.

In order to equip two legendary objects and two legendary weapons, you have to go through the seventh chapter in the patch 9.2 campaign. After you've completed the quest "Souls Inseparable" in the chapter "Starting over," it will reward you with an legendary belt fitting for the character's armor class. This belt will be at level 265 and carry The Unity legendary power.

The second legendary power available to every player will be Unity that boosts your chosen covenant power. You cannot mix and mix two legendary powers you already have from earlier WOW Classic TBC patches. One must be Unity, which is the new added Unity and the second must be one of the legendary powers that were available earlier in the WOW Classic TBC expansion.

Unfortunately, you can't upgrade the legendary belt given to you when you complete this Zereth Mortis campaign. The belt is locked when you reach the level of 265 for that item. You can however purchase the buy TBC Classic Gold  Memory of Unity from Vilo, the Enlightened Quartermaster. Vilo can be found in Haven, while Memory of Unity is available for purchase in Haven. Memory of Unity is available to purchase with 500 Cosmic Flux when your character reaches Revered with that faction, the Enlightened.

The Memory of Unity can be added to any base legendary item and is available to become upgraded up to the 291 level. The Memory of Unity can be rune-carved on an item using every armor slot.
on July 19 at 08:56 PM

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