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after 34 years of cheap madden 22 coins existence is that

What's funny with Madden which is the sole NFL approved video games franchise, now after 34 years of cheap madden 22 coins existence is that, despite its enormous popularity, it's the last thing that you ever hear about is complaints from people who are against it.

The most frequent complaint, which is repeated time and time again, is that each year's update is an incremental improvement over the previous. Because EA Sports has the exclusive license, it is the only company to create an "simulation-style" NFL game. This means that EA Sports is under no pressure to substantially improve the game each year. In the year 2020, a massive Twitter campaign called for the league to announce EA as its partner - #NFLDropEA. But despite the outrage from social media as well as the coordinated review-bombing on this game's Metacritic webpage, Madden 21 sales were at a record high. The Madden 22 of this year Madden 22 did well, also, and the series is still the highest-selling sports franchise ever.

The critics are part of a minority of vocalists, but a minority whose job it is to be very vocal. We're talking about YouTubers, who make a living watching and documenting themselves playing a sport that they claim they hate.

The variety of YouTubers' focuses shows just how massive the game today. There are YouTubers like Belton who post footage of themselves playing and there's a variety of users uploading tips and tricks; then there are people who are dedicated to the game of Madden.

Last fall, one channel named SOFTDRINKTV uploaded a 14-minute film with the title "The Madden with the Worst Madden of All Time," then a week later by a video of 19 minutes titled "Madden NFL 22 isn't good - review." They returned to an identical well last week with a video that was titled "Everything Wrong with Madden NFL 22 (in 16 minutes)." The narration of this one begins memorably, if not somewhat dramatically: "This is the kind of game that inspires you to stick on your eyes with a thumbtack. If you play Madden 22, the blessing of life becomes an unwitting curse. It is no longer a desire to be alive. It triggers existential dread."

Like all subcultures, Madden has its own language. Throws that are precise are "lasers" (self-explanatory). Most of the time, a great throw is the form of a "dot" and you'll get "dotted up" that has somehow changed from "dart" (less clear). In the same way, a strong defensive line was once "bagged," though recently, I've heard YouTubers declaring that they were "booked." This is the only one that makes sense according to my understanding is "mossing" somebody and that's when an athlete leaps over a corner to catch the ball from the air, inspired by Randy Moss.

But hating Madden appears to be just an integral part of the popular culture, even though it seems somewhat invasive at times. The subreddit r/Madden almost completely "rants" about why the game isn't working, typically just a video clip of a bug or glitch. The tag #Madden22 that is on TikTok is equal parts highlights, as well as calling out the faulty plays that EA must fix.

Of course, if hate a video game so of much, then why would you play it, year after year?

To Andrew Belton, Madden earns him his money. He's been playing since 2005 Madden however, and more importantly youtubeing since that year's Madden. The channel has been growing to the point that you can earn a living out of it. In fact, enough for him to move out of his parents' home and into a new apartment in Brooklyn. (He also sells books using Madden tips via his Patreon, which he estimates makes a third of the revenue.)

The concept of trash-talking wasn't born with Belton. While he's most likely the most prominent person doing the same thing via YouTube for Madden but trash-talk videos are commonplace in other sports games such as NBA 2K. (Another game that Belton dislikes is: "I thought Madden was excruciating But 2K actually causes me to... I'm not able play it; because it angers myself.")

For the channel, Belton plays a few games a week. He throws any that seem boring to post. The art of finding the right trash-talkers is a nitty-gritty process. "I've noticed with these trash-talkers: the more trash they make up, the more obnoxious they're at the game," Belton says. For great videos, he requires an opponent who can be skilled at playing and be as obnoxious as they can.

But outside of making videos on his YouTube channel Belton does not play Madden to cheap mut 22 coins have fun. Much of his time is spent editing. A game takes less than an hour, however editing the video takes eight hours.

He says he would like to create a new channel -- one that will allow him to play various games.
on April 26 at 03:21 AM

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