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The summoning process also poses a problem

Let's first talk about wilderness boundaries. Before 07, there was no safe area. The most basic design of wilderness includes zones of safety. While you might argue that they should be kept but they do buy osrs gold help the movement of the current fights. This is done to promote safe zones and concentrate on fighting within them.
In addition, it defeats the purpose. The question is whether we will get a new design for wilderness within BH worlds, or the previous one. Another problem is the current events which are happening in the wilderness. Which do they choose? And what impact will it affect the wilderness?
Personally I would be in favour of moving all the minigames (Clan Wars, FOG and closing off Deamonhiem) to a various locations, but the most difficult part is the three quests. The Defender of Varrock and Summer questline both have large chunks of wilderness. If we assume that the quests will stay, I believe it would be best to instancing the entire quest. What does this mean? When you've reached the quest starting point or have entered the wilderness, you're on your own. There's no interaction with any other players. It would slighty alter the quest but not in a significant way.
Green Dragons, armoured Zombies and Chaos Ele should all be maintained identical. The most effective place to train should be a bit dangerous. While the Corporeal Beast is intriguing I believe it would be interesting to let barrage runners travel into the cave. But, the boss mechanic for the Corporeal beast in RS is very unique. Due to its high-risk nature you will have to be able to bank several times. The entrance could be moved nearer towards the edge of the wilderness, which is what it currently is at level 20.
The summoning process also poses a problem, I would far prefer to have a unique set of game rules and lending could be easily solved by not allowing weapons to be lent in the wilderness, summoning combat level will need to change. It is a good idea to have the ability to drop all at once, as with the rest of RS. The restriction on pouches is strange in the world of pvp. It is impossible to find an answer, therefore I recommend that you keep the situation as "pouchin invent and combat is a step up".
The most important thing is that you can't buy cheap old school runescape gold wilderness realms. Never. The excitement of the wilderness provided one thing that PvP/bh realms did not have, and it was the most efficient handling I have ever seen.
on February 11 at 07:56 PM

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