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These are the makers of FIFA 22

To avoid club colours both sides are sporting motion capture suits from Xsens. The touchline is where the crews are huddled over laptops. Short-range signalling devices, tracking players' movements according to cheap FUT 22 Coins millimetres, stand in the stands , with technicians studying tablets with live statistics. Some thousands of kilometers away, an animation director is looking at the game on Zoom. But this isn't the job of a space-age team of scouting, nor is it the latest coaching innovation.
These are the makers of FIFA 22. For the first time, EA motion-captured the live 90 minutes of a football matchby tracking the players' movements at an extremely fine level that could eventually be added onto its animation database. 
The game publisher was looking for the major details right down to the minutiae: from how a full-back strikes the ball using their laces while a playmaker instinctively glances over their shoulder when they receive a ball. "Ultimately it's about realism, which is what makes an enhanced game" says Gareth Eaves, senior animation director at EA who was the leader of the session remotely. "We were looking to do this for years but the technology hasn't been there."
Usually, EA uses optical capture actors and even the odd superstar footballer, like Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, to write new animations. It's a little area that is occupied by only two or three people at a single time - creating a challenge to attack the ball fast or pass it between one wing and the other. Limited passages of motion-captured game, like keepie-uppies or one-on-one dribbles have to be made adaptable by FIFA animators to free-flowing moves that mimic eleven-aside matches.
However, now the cameras have been removed. Motion capture is gone. Only the Xsens suits remained. "One problem had been drift . We'd have a sense of FIFA 22 Coins which joints of the players were relative to each other but not as a relation to a specific point in distance," Eaves explains. 
on February 05 at 10:25 PM

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