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Anyone who can complete challenges from one of the obstacles

Achievement journals are separated in four categories depending on RuneScape gold the level of difficulty. Easy, medium, hard, elite. The initial ones are typically simple and usually don't require much effort or time. They do not require skills above level 40. Medium-level tasks are most of the times similar to easy tasks, even though they may require some skills that are at or above Level 65. More difficult tasks, as their name states require more effort and require specific skills to be around level 75.
Elite tasks are for real endgame players , as they can need a minimum of level 90 for some of the skills. Although completing these tasks typically takes time and might require certain levels of various skills, they also reward players with the finest treasures. If they finish every Achievement Diaries, players gain access to Cyan trim for Quest Point Cape and can purchase the exclusive Achievement Diary Cape.
The Cape can be obtained by purchasing an Achievement Diary Hood from Twiggy O'Korn located in Draynor Village which is located to the south of bank. The item is sold for 99k GP exclusively to those who have all Diaries completed. It is, without a fact, one of the most difficult items in the game as it requires not just skilled levels, as well as the accomplishment of various tasks that often involve elaborate quests.
Achievement Diary Cape gets cut after the completion of every quest, making the cut version more difficult to find. Similar to Quest Point Cape, this item will lose its trim whenever a new quest comes out. The item is cut only after all quests within the game are completed. Therefore, each new mission must be completed as well.
Both the untrimmed as well as the trimmed versions of this cape feature an additional 9 points to any defensive stat and a +4 bonus to Prayer skill, which makes it the perfect slot untrimmed cape to use for Prayer. Achievement Diary Cape also has the ability to teleport daily to any Achievement Diary Master, which is a great transport item.
Even though some of the feats occur within Draynor Village, Varrock, Lumbridge and other open to play locations, Achievement Diaries are not available for non-members players. Thus, even performing the right actions won't give the appropriate rewards to the F2P player. Even though there have been many rumors about making some new Diaries exclusive to players who are free, there is no evidence from Jagex.
Anyone who can complete challenges from one of the obstacles in any of the areas will be awarded various items and benefits. In the event that you finish each of these Diaries may lead to unlocking additional areas, teleports, special cloaks, or even experience lamps which are utilized to buy RS gold increase the skill of the player. You can find most notable of the rewards that are available through this particular game below.
on January 06 at 10:52 PM

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