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This is not another rumor

The "Skiller Level” formula works the same the way you use your Combat Level formula. This formula is not officially recognized. (Round up.)
Thieving, Agility and Slayer have no direct relations to RuneScape Gold each other. Thieving, Agility and Slayer are all skills that can be accessed through resources. They could be related to any other skill. Fletching and Crafting. Construction - WoodCutting, Smithing. Because it is able to have the same minimum/maximum F2Pers as P2Pers, the first option is more preferred.
Does anyone have a calculator that can be coded for this?. To determine your skill ratio to combat level. P2Pers. Combat Level x100 is divided by138. Skill level x100 is divided with 159. This brings your level to 100. F2Pers. Combat Level x100 divided by 126. Skill Level: 100 divided by 159. This will raise the level of your character to 100.
My ratio is 64: 55, with the latter being combat. The reason I changed the process was for it to be able to work for F2Pers and P2Pers in a similar way, and also to function like combat level, in which you only get marked for skills you care about.
I'm going to describe how the "Ring of Wealth" functions. There seems to be a lot of confusion and rumors about this. This is not another rumor, i found a topic in the official Runescape Forums, it was an moderator from Buy RS3 Gold jagex clearing things up about the Ring. Sorry, I do not have the link. The topic was published last year.
on August 03 at 08:57 PM

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