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In Conclusion RuneScape is a superb game and it

All you OSRS GP need to do is merely kill another random player! And... That's it. This is supposed to compensate for the 1/4 size of the wilderness so that RWT's can not move wealth. Well it is in fact hurting the remaining players and nobody enjoys it. Now... How to help. Jagex needs to do the following.

Bring the Wilderness back to it's regular size so people can really pk! Eliminate the 3k cap onto the Duel Arena! Don't release the update in January at which the prices when you trade someone else, have to be inside 3k of one another. This is going to be the last nail in the coffin for RuneScape! How YOU can help. Do not go on"Strike" because that is just going to ruin the game even more. Jagex knows that these updates are dreadful and it is just a waiting game to see if they actually change them.

In Conclusion RuneScape is a superb game and it does not require these upgrades than nobody likes or wants. Now it's just a matter of awaiting Jagex Ltd. to change these updates.

I happen to know alot about real-world trading and autoers,and the way they function (I've LOOKED at the programs and websites and tutorials of the way they work,not really used them,only looked at movie's screenshots etc.. ).And from my experiance,analyzing and logic here's a cheap School RS Gold thorough guide on how jagex can prevent autoers and gold sellers!
on March 31 at 08:55 PM

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