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EA currently has approximately 7 weeks to tell us how they're going to #FixMaddenFranchise to get Madden 22. I don't want to hear about small post-launch additions for Madden nfl 21 coins. Make commitments for next year, today. With specifics. Good they responded. But Madden 21 is petty done. There won't be any major changes because of this. However a small expectation for next year. I would bet money that they release the game using the exact same shitty model of franchise mode they have declared, with a guarantee of adding attributes or some bullshit down the road. They are gonna observe how well it sells (spoiler: it will sell well) then do next to nothing to deliver on that promise. All this signifies is next year they will include 1 attribute that they had in 2007 and rebrand it as fresh.

After they informed us Franchise was a top focus in the game moving forward, then literally providing us no new attributes for the mode, THEIR WORD MEANS NOTHING! They've gotta put their money where their mouth is before I even become somewhat optimistic. Good feat for the motion, but we are not stopping until we get all of the features we had years ago and more! #FixMaddenFranchise. They do not have time to implement anything for Mut 21 coins for sale. All this really please stop making noise and buy our game....maybe we will do something in Madden 22. Honestly it might be too late in the development cycle for them to develop anything for M21 franchise, but maybe we will find something for M22. We won't. It is lip service to get the social media assault to perish, realizing it is too late in the procedure to fix it, by this time next year, they'll be able to roll out M22 without even less of a franchise mode until we are totally phased out.
on January 05 at 10:29 PM

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