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You do not thank them every time

The simple fact that people here are really acting like this is a meaningful gesture is indeed fucking baffling. EA literally went out of its way to wash his title out of their games two decades right, but this thread is making it look like they've contributed millions. It's the very definition of slacktivism. It'd be more fair when they had said nothing in any way. Rather, they are gonna push a bullshit PR statement about how they stand with the black community and Mut 21 coins then in a few months turn around and sell a product comprising an organization which has a history of stifling and punishing black voices. I never mentioned"Let's strike a company for doing the ideal thing." My point, that I have tried to clarify in an edit, is that people shouldn't PRAISE companies for doing the bare minimum of human decency when they've shown in the past to be contrary to what they are asserting. It is possible to always be optimistic of things looking up, which I often am. If your buddy hurts your feelings, they have to regain your confidence. You do not thank them every time from then on if they are being nice.

You do not thank them every time from then on if they are being nice. Wait, why don't you? If a buddy of cheap mut coins madden 21 mine hurt me and then made an effort to be nice I would absolutely need to tell them I appreciate their efforts. Positive reinforcement is a great thing. It assists people behave better, who is to say it can not make a corporation behave better also? If EA derived no benefits from"doing the bare minimum of human decency" then they wouldn't do even the bare minimum.
on November 23 at 09:43 PM

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