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I think that the foundation of Madden is basically broken

I think that the foundation of Madden is basically broken. They've had to begin from scratch the previous 2 console generation bumps (PS2/XB->PS3/360->PS4/X1) since the hardware architecture changed dramatically each time and they just haven't been able to catch up since the yearly release cycle means they clearly do not have enough opportunity to exercise the underlying issues. Also I'm not holding out any hope for the next gen. PS5/Series X are just more powerful versions of Mut 21 coins this PS4 Guru and 1X, they've got the exact same CPU architecture so that it'll be the same broken game but with maybe some better visuals. , particularly when it has to do with physics. Long story short, my comprehension is Frostbite is good for FPS (which is what it was designed for) but has been only terrible for sports or anything apart from FPS.

However, EA, in their infinite wisdom, wanted all of their studios employing the same engine. On the one hand, I get it, it will help streamline development and can save costs in the long term. BUT, it seems that the higher-ups (shocker) centered on the"cost saving" portion of it without actually knowing or caring about the development aspect. I wonder if the issue is actually the engine, or the legacy code that has been flashed across multiple engines. A sports game built on Frostbite from the start would need to be better. Here is an article that talks about overall issues with Frostbite from assorted EA studios who aren't doing FPS, appears like a lot (obviously) got lost in translation from lookup engine to Frostbite to your sports matches using it; and while visuals enhanced, physics got considerably worse.

Players: What about a creation package for growth teams or just like a news around up like you see at NCAA dynasty? Truly and utterly pathetic. Months and months to get something put in and we get 3 measly small things that should have been in the game. All these motherfuckers will need to get rid of the exclusivity license and there needs to be competition. I wouldn't have the whole ability to make NFL games off as that would create another monopoly for 2K. They need to struggle to make great fucking games. Madden 21 is beyond saving. Theres no way they could salvage this match as any necessary franchise overhauls are not going to be addable in the middle of the cycle.

Adding little bite-size updates 2 months from today doesn't excuse the fact that franchise got absolutely nothing at launch. So anyone saying"youll never be fulfilled!" Is becoming dishonest. This game honestly has to be torn apart and completely rebuilt from the ground up but that would imply EA would actually need to take time off from their annual releases and really put some serious effort into creating the game.

The bowl is typically sometime in February. The regular season ends the first week of January. Will patch two drop in January? February? When will patch 3 drop? Once the true season is almost over and you're weeks away from not caring about football and enjoying Madden, we'll give you an update with a few of the stuff you wanted. We still aren't promising anything as, let's face it, we built a shit game from day 1 and we totally neglected to put any decent frame for a buy mut coins madden 21 sports match so we will miss this deadline completely.
on September 24 at 09:03 PM

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